Thursday, December 1, 2011

Up and Running!

This is my first post in the blog! How exciting!

My first post will be a quick look at the relatively new Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen that was adapted into a movie now on DVD. The novel was quite the story and I most definitely could not stop myself from finishing it in one sitting!

Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen is a compelling read that is fast-paced and difficult to put down. At times the plot ran so quickly I found myself trying to search for a way to slow down the course of the story, but to no avail. The quick pace, however, does seem to fit and reaches a broader audience that seems to want rapid conclusion and catharsis. Reversions to the present time are a nice break from circus life and I believe are Gruen’s most vivid and compelling depictions of the novel. Her illustration of life at the nursing home and perspective of the ‘patients’ which Jacob catches a nurse stating when the correct political term is ‘residents’ provides an accurate and refreshing look at assisted elderly homes. The circus lifestyle is portrayed truthfully, but is often overshadowed by the dynamics and major plot-line concerned with the Romantic relationship and triangle of Jacob, August, and Marlena.
Gruen’s, Water for Elephants, is an easy read with relatively simple themes and motifs to comprehend including: animal cruelty, abusive relationships, circus life in the 30’s, life during the Great Depression, coming of age, and older age/aging. It truly encapsulates a broad range of topics, but the overlaying plot and issues are prevalent and riveting, if a bit rushed. Overall, Gruen shows brilliance, a great aptitude for stylistic flair, and there is no doubt that the novel has and will appeal to a wide audience.

Fantastic Book!